
Sole establishment Vs. LLC: What is the right business option?

Sole Establishment Vs. LLC What is the right business option

Choosing to be an entrepreneur and starting up your own business can take you on the seventh cloud. But more than the excitement, responsibilities take charge of surrounding you. Setting up a company in Dubai, UAE can be fruitful, but it requires you to make wise decisions initially. As an owner,you must properly research and make decisions at the beginning. One of the most critical decisions is whether to choose a sole establishment or a limited liability company in Dubai.

Every business start-up needs investment, proper staff, funds for operational expenses, land for office set-ups, and much more from the owners. So you should decide to start the business on the basis of available funds, land, and manpower. In the UAE, sole proprietorships and LLCs are the two main business structures with lucrative benefits. Depending on the owner’s interests, capital funds, liability protection needs, and financial goals, an owner can choose the appropriate business structure.

What is a sole establishment or sole proprietorship?

The sole establishment business structure allows for complete 100% ownership one person only. That single owner would be responsible for all the profits and losses in the business. This business structure is easy to set up and involves flexible investment funds. The owner doesn’t need to go through complex paperwork on the sole proprietorship form and can get a trade license in his name.

Pros and cons of sole establishment

The main benefits of opting for a sole establishment business are:

  • There are no partners to have conflicts with.
  • Very little paperwork is required.
  • Possible tax deductions.
  • Visa allocation benefits from the UAE government.
  • Permission to use a virtual address is required, so no physical storefront is required.
  • Less operational expenses.
  • Easy to wind up.
The possible cons of choosing sole establishment business form are-
  • There is no liability protection.
  • It is difficult to raise business funds.
  • Problems in getting finance loans.
  • Lower Market credibility.

What does the LLC business form mean?

LLC stands for Limited Liability Company. LLC Company Formation is a state-level business structure that is operated typically at a legal level. It has more than one owner, which is called its members. Unlike sole proprietorships, the owners of LLC are not liable for commercial debts in the business. Their physical assets like home, property and personal bank balance are fully protected against company debts.

Pros and cons of Limited Liability Company 

The main benefits of opting for an LLC company are: 

  • Protection against commercial debts.
  • Secured physical assets and properties.
  • Greater fundraising
  • Helpers are available in case of emergency.
The main cons involved in a limited liability company are:
  • Legal paperwork required.
  • Mutually agreed-upon decision-making.
  • There are no tax deductions.
  • Tax return completion costs.

Sole establishment Vs LLC in UAE?

The major difference between a sole proprietorship and a limited liability company is the protection against commercial debts or bankruptcy. The members of an LLC have their physical assets protected in the event of company failure. Whereas the single owner in the sole establishment has to bear the losses and debt. Moreover, a sole establishment involves very little paperwork, unlike the proper legal paperwork required in an LLC structure.

What is the right business option for you?

Both the sole establishment and the LLC company have their benefits and risks. The study below will help you choose the right one for you.

  • Efforts to set up the business

The sole proprietorship structure offers an easy and convenient setup. A few trade licenses from the local government and start-up funds are required to initiate your dream business. On the other hand, setting up an LLC can be complex as it involves some typical legal paperwork. So depending on the type of business and efforts that you can make, choose the one that suits you the most.

  • Investment

The single owner of the sole establishment is responsible for arranging the entire business investment. In limited liability companies, many owners are there to invest and arrange for the business’s needs. They can even get financial loans from third parties as they have legally registered their company’s name.

  • Business funds

Every business needs timely funding. In an LLC company, funds are raised by all owners and investors involved. Moreover, they can raise funds from third-party finances as they have greater market credibility.

  • Debt liabilities

In the event of any financial failures, a sole proprietor would be legally liable for all his debts. But in LLC, the owners have complete protection against commercial debts. No one can even touch their physical assets like home and property in case if their company faces bankruptcy.

  • Operational expenses-

In a limited liability company, the owners are responsible for managing the finances. However, in a sole establishment, the sole owner is responsible for the capital investment and the operational expenses.

  • Goals to achieve

If you are a sole proprietor, the future goals of your business would match only with your dreams. Whereas in an LLC, all of the owners have the right to modify and bend the plans. So if you have some financial dreams to fulfill or have future goals already set in your mind- a sole proprietorship would be the right choice for you.

  • Paperwork requirements

As the sole establishment form involves only one owner and no physical storefront, the paperwork required is much less. However, the LLC form includes many owners and has debt protection clauses. Thus, this business structure involves typical legal paperwork involving the registered company’s name and trade licenses.

Depending upon the available investment, physical storefront, eligibility requirements, and type of business, both the sole establishment and LLC structures have their benefits. If you wish to enjoy the profits alone and be your boss, a sole proprietorship form would suit you the most. The owner can limit the investment to reduce debt risks and maintain the security of his hard-earned money. if you want to know more about it or want to enjoy the benefits of Sole establishment Vs LLC in UAE,?  Get in touch with Business Link. We are here to assist you at every step of your business setup in Dubai, UAE.

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