
How To Open A Baqala in Dubai?


Thinking of starting your own business in Dubai? Dreaming of your corner store in the heart of the city? This comprehensive guide unveils the secrets to launching a thriving baqala. Navigate the legal requirements, costs, and steps involved, from securing permits to finding prime locations. Whether you’re a first-time entrepreneur or looking to expand, let’s turn your dreams into reality. Discover how to open a Baqala in Dubai today and tap into the UAE’s vibrant economy!   

Table of contents

What exactly is a Baqala?

How to start Baqala in Dubai?

What are the Baqala requirements you need ?

How to open a Baqala in Dubai?

Cost of opening a Baqala in Dubai?

Open your baqala with business link


What exactly is a Baqala?


A baqala, in its traditional sense, is a small, neighborhood grocery or convenience store commonly found in many Arab countries, including Egypt and the UAE. They typically stock everyday essentials like bread, milk, eggs, snacks, beverages, and household items. Baqalas are often seen as community hubs, offering personalized service and convenient access to necessities.  

In the specific context of Abu Dhabi, the term “baqala” has taken on a more regulated meaning due to the “Project Baqala” initiative. Under this project, all grocery stores in Abu Dhabi are required to adhere to specific standards in terms of store design, facilities, product quality, and hygiene. These standards ensure a consistent and reliable shopping experience for customers across the Emirate, the term “baqala” has gained a sense of standardization and quality assurance, thanks to the regulations set by the government. 



How to start Baqala in Dubai?


1. Market Research & Business Plan

  • Research, Identify target areas with potential demand for a baqala. Consider proximity to residential areas, schools, offices, or tourist spots.
  • Competition, Analyze existing baqalas and convenience stores in the area to understand their offerings and pricing strategies.
  • Business Plan, Prepare a detailed plan outlining your store concept, target customers, product offerings, marketing strategy, and financial projections.

2. Legal and Regulatory Requirements

  • Business Setup, Decide on a suitable legal structure for your business (sole proprietorship, LLC, etc.) and register it with the relevant authorities.
  • Trade License, Obtain a trade license from the Department of Economic Development (DED) specifying “grocery” or “retail” as your business activity.  
  • Location Approval, Get approval from the DED for your chosen location. Some areas may have restrictions on the type of businesses allowed.
  • Food Safety & Hygiene, If you plan to sell food items, ensure compliance with the Dubai Municipality’s food safety and hygiene regulations.  

3. Location & Setup

  • Lease Commercial Space, Secure a suitable location for your baqala. Factor in visibility, accessibility, and size.
  • Store Design & Layout, Plan the layout of your store to maximize space and ensure easy navigation for customers.
  • Interior Fit-out, Adhere to Dubai Municipality’s regulations for baqala design, including signage, lighting, and ventilation.
  • Equipment & Supplies, Purchase necessary equipment such as refrigerators, freezers, shelves, cash registers, etc.

4. Product Sourcing & Inventory

  • Suppliers, Identify reliable suppliers and distributors for your product range.
  • Inventory Management, Implement an effective system for managing inventory, tracking sales, and reordering stock.
  • Product Range, Offer a balanced selection of everyday essentials, keeping in mind the preferences of your target customers.

5. Staffing & Operations

  • Hire Staff, Recruit staff with good customer service skills and knowledge of your product offerings.
  • Training, Provide adequate training to staff on handling cash, inventory management, and customer interaction.
  • Pricing, Set competitive prices while ensuring profitability.
  • Marketing, Develop a marketing strategy to attract customers and promote your baqala.

Additional Considerations

  • “Project Baqala” Initiative, In Abu Dhabi, baqalas must adhere to specific standards under this initiative. Familiarize yourself with these regulations if you plan to open a baqala in Abu Dhabi.
  • Technology, Consider incorporating technology such as POS systems and online ordering to enhance efficiency and customer experience.
  • Customer Service, Prioritize excellent customer service to build loyalty and repeat business.  

Remember, starting a baqala requires careful planning and execution. Adhering to regulations, understanding your target market, and providing excellent customer service are crucial for success.

Partnering with a local business setup consultant can streamline the process and ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

What are the Baqala requirements you need ?

Starting a baqala in Dubai requires careful attention to several key requirements to ensure compliance with local regulations and successful operation. Here’s a comprehensive list of the requirements you need to take care of:


Legal and Regulatory Requirements

   Trade License

    Obtain a trade license from the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) with the       activity specified as “Grocery” or “Supermarket.”


   Business Structure

     Choose an appropriate business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC) and register it with the relevant authorities.


   Local Sponsorship

    Depending on the business structure, you may need a local sponsor or partner who holds a certain percentage of the business.


   Permits and Approvals

    Obtain necessary permits from Dubai Municipality, especially for food handling, hygiene, and safety regulations.

    If selling tobacco, alcohol, or other controlled items, secure additional permits from relevant authorities.


Location and Premises

Commercial Space

 Secure a lease or purchase a commercial space that complies with Dubai’s zoning laws.

  Ensure the location is accessible, visible, and in a high-traffic residential area.


   Zoning Approval

     Obtain approval from DED or the relevant municipal authority for your chosen location.


   Fit-Out Regulations

    Design your store layout according to Dubai Municipality guidelines, ensuring compliance with safety, accessibility, and hygiene standards.


   Health & Safety Compliance

    Install necessary safety equipment such as fire extinguishers and ensure the store meets all fire safety regulations.


Product Sourcing and Inventory

  Supplier Agreements

   Establish contracts with reliable suppliers for groceries, snacks, beverages, and other items to ensure a steady supply.

   Inventory Management

   Implement an inventory management system to track stock levels, manage reorders, and reduce waste.

   Product Range

  Offer a diverse range of products that cater to the needs of your target community, including fresh produce, packaged goods, and household essentials.


Food Safety and Hygiene

   Food Handling Permits

    If you plan to sell perishable or prepared food, obtain food handling permits from Dubai Municipality.

   Hygiene Standards

    Maintain high hygiene standards in your store, including regular cleaning schedules and proper waste disposal.

   Employee Training

   Ensure all staff are trained in food safety and hygiene practices, particularly those handling food products.


Staffing and Operations

   Labor Laws Compliance

    Adhere to Dubai’s labor laws, including contracts, working hours, wages, and employee benefits.

   Hiring and Training

    Recruit staff with experience in retail and customer service, and provide training on store operations and customer interaction.

   POS System

     Install a point-of-sale (POS) system to manage transactions, track sales, and handle payments efficiently.


Marketing and Branding

   Brand Identity

    Develop a unique brand name, logo, and store design that resonates with your target market.


    Invest in clear and attractive signage to make your baqala easily identifiable.


   Promotional Strategies

    Implement local marketing tactics such as distributing flyers, offering discounts, and engaging in community events.


Financial and Accounting

   Bank Account

     Open a business bank account in Dubai to manage finances.


   Accounting System

    Set up an accounting system for tracking expenses, revenue, and profitability.



     Prepare a budget that includes startup costs, ongoing expenses, and contingency funds.


Ongoing Compliance

   Health Inspections

   Be prepared for regular health inspections by Dubai Municipality to ensure ongoing compliance with food safety and hygiene standards.

   Renewal of Licenses and Permits

    Keep track of license and permit renewal dates to avoid penalties or business interruptions.


   Customer Feedback

   Regularly collect and act on customer feedback to improve service quality and product offerings.


Technology and Online Presence

   E-commerce Integration

  Consider integrating an online ordering and delivery system if feasible, to cater to the growing demand for convenience.

   Inventory and Sales Software

  Use inventory and sales management software to streamline operations and reduce manual errors. By taking care of these requirements, you can set up and operate your baqala in Dubai successfully, ensuring that you comply with local regulations and meet the needs of your customers.



How to open a Baqala in Dubai?

Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to open a Baqala in Dubai:

1. Market Research and Business Plan

  • Target Market Identification, Determine the needs and preferences of your potential customers, including their demographics, income levels, and cultural preferences.
  • Location Analysis, Choose a strategic location with high foot traffic, visibility, and accessibility, preferably in a residential area or close to schools or offices.  
  • Competitive Analysis, Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of existing baqalas and convenience stores in the vicinity to identify opportunities and challenges.
  • Business Plan Development, Create a detailed business plan outlining your store concept, product offerings, marketing strategy, financial projections, and operational plan.

2. Legal and Regulatory Requirements

  • Company Formation and Registration

    • Choose a legal structure (e.g., Sole Proprietorship, LLC) for your business.
    • Register your company with the Department of Economic Development (DED) in Dubai.  
  • Trade License Acquisition

    • Obtain a trade license with the activity specified as “Grocery” or “Supermarket” from the DED.
  • Additional Permits and Approvals

    • Secure necessary permits from Dubai Municipality, especially for food handling, hygiene, and safety regulations.
    • If you plan to sell specific items like tobacco, alcohol, or pharmaceuticals, obtain additional permits from relevant authorities.

3. Location and Setup

  • Securing a Commercial Space

    • Lease or purchase a commercial space that complies with Dubai’s zoning laws and is suitable for a baqala.  
    • Ensure the location is easily accessible and visible either it is in free zone or in main land.
  • Store Design and Fit-out

    • Design an appealing and functional store layout, considering customer flow and product display.
    • Adhere to Dubai Municipality’s guidelines for baqala design, ensuring compliance with safety, accessibility, and hygiene standards.

4. Product Sourcing and Inventory Management

  • Supplier Relationships

    • Establish strong relationships with reliable suppliers and distributors for groceries, snacks, beverages, and other essentials.  
    • Negotiate favorable terms and ensure a consistent supply of quality products.
  • Inventory Management System

    • Implement an efficient inventory management system to track stock levels, manage reorders, and reduce waste.
  • Product Range

    • Offer a diverse and well-curated selection of products that meet the needs and preferences of your target customers.

5. Staffing and Operations

  • Staff Recruitment & Training

    • Hire friendly and knowledgeable staff with good customer service skills.
    • Provide adequate training on product knowledge, customer interaction, cash handling, and inventory management.
  • Point-of-Sale (POS) System

    • Install a POS system for efficient transaction processing, inventory tracking, and sales reporting.
  • Operational Procedures

    • Establish clear procedures for stock management, pricing, customer service, cleaning and hygiene, and opening/closing routines.

6. Marketing and Branding

  • Brand Development:
    • Create a unique brand identity with a memorable name, logo, and visual elements that resonate with your target market.
  • Signage and Visibility:
    • Invest in clear, attractive signage that adheres to local regulations and enhances your store’s visibility.
  • Marketing and Promotion:
    • Implement local marketing strategies like flyers, social media promotions, loyalty programs, and community engagement initiatives.

7. Financial Management

  • Business Bank Account

    • Open a business bank account in Dubai to manage your finances.
  • Accounting and Bookkeeping

    • Set up an accounting system to track income, expenses, and profitability.
  • Budgeting

    • Create a detailed budget covering startup costs, ongoing expenses, and contingency funds.

8. Technology Integration

  • E-commerce & Delivery

    • Consider offering online ordering and delivery services to cater to the growing demand for convenience.
  • Inventory & Sales Software

    • Utilize inventory and sales management software to streamline operations, track sales data, and generate reports.

9. Ongoing Compliance & Improvement

  • Health & Safety Inspections

    • Comply with regular inspections by Dubai Municipality to ensure ongoing adherence to health and safety standards.
  • License & Permit Renewals

    • Stay updated on renewal dates for your trade license and any other permits to avoid penalties or business interruptions.
  • Customer Feedback

    • Actively seek and address customer feedback to improve your products, services, and overall customer experience.


Regulations and requirements may vary depending on your location within the UAE (e.g., Dubai vs. Abu Dhabi). It’s strongly advised to consult with a local business setup consultant or legal advisor to ensure you fully understand and comply with all applicable rules and regulations.


Cost of opening a Baqala in Dubai?

The cost of setting up a supermarket or grocery store in the UAE depends on several different factors, including location, store size, required equipment, construction and decoration costs. In addition to the cost of equipment and appliances, licenses and government transaction fees, and marketing and promotion costs.

The cost of a super market license in the UAE generally ranges from AED 14,000 to 15,000, plus 5% of the lease value. It is advisable to conduct a detailed feasibility study to determine the cost of the project based on individual circumstances and specific business requirements. It is also possible to collaborate with consulting companies in the field of preparing consultancy studies to estimate the cost before starting the project.


Open your baqala with business link

Business Link, Your One-Stop business Setup Solution, Here’s how Business Link UAE streamlines the process of opening your baqala in Dubai. Business Link is a UAE government initiative that simplifies business registration and licensing procedures. By utilizing their platform, you can streamline the process of opening your baqala in Dubai.


  • Simplified Process, Business Link integrates various government departments, allowing you to complete most of the registration and licensing process online.
  • Reduced Time and Effort, You avoid visiting multiple government offices and dealing with paperwork, saving significant time and effort.
  • Transparency and Efficiency, Business Link provides clear guidelines and real-time updates on the status of your application.
  • Expert Guidance, You have access to Business Link’s support team for any queries or assistance you may need throughout the process.

Ready to turn your dream into reality? Discover how to open a baqala in Dubai with expert insights and step-by-step guidance. Contact Business link through email info@businesslinkuae.com or through phone +97143215227  and expand your dreams. 


