
Facts About UAE Working Hours You Must Know in 2024

working hours

Working hours is a precious commodity, especially in a bustling economic hub like the UAE. Working time controls defend both representatives and bosses, cultivating a reasonable and beneficial work environment. But have you ever wondered how many UAE employees actually work beyond the standard 48-hour week?

According to a recent survey by Bayt.com, a staggering 63% of UAE professionals report working overtime. So, what are your rights when it comes to working hours, breaks, and pay in the UAE? Let’s dive in and explore the legal framework that governs your workday.

UAE Working hours: What Are Your Rights on Hours, Breaks, & Pay?


In the UAE, the standard workweek is 48 hours, split into 8-hour days. However, some sectors, like retail and hospitality, allow for 9-hour workdays. During Ramadan, daily working hours is reduced by 2 hours, fostering a better work-life balance.

Overtime & Breaks

Overtime is permissible but capped at 2 hours per day, compensated at 1.25 times your regular hourly rate. Remember, you’re entitled to at least a one-hour break after every 5 consecutive working hours – this is for rest, meals, and prayer time.

Weekly Rest & Summer Considerations

Everyone gets at least one full day off per week, typically on Fridays. During the peak summer months (June 15th to September 15th), outdoor work is prohibited between 12:30 PM and 3:00 PM to protect workers from the intense heat.

Additional Considerations

Some roles, such as managerial positions, may have different working time regulations. Always check your employment contract for specifics. Additionally, in exceptional cases, the maximum weekly working time cannot exceed 60 hours, and work on weekends or public holidays requires extra pay. Night shifts also have specific conditions regarding rest and compensation, all outlined in the UAE Labor Law.



Understanding UAE’s labor laws on working time is crucial for both employers and employees. By adhering to these regulations, businesses create a productive and satisfied workforce, while employees maintain a healthy work-life balance.


Remember, knowing your rights and responsibilities regarding working time empowers you to make informed decisions and thrive in the UAE’s dynamic work environment.


Why Should You Know the Rules on Working hours?


Working time regulations isn’t just about following the law; it directly impacts your work life and well-being. Here are key reasons why you should be in the know:

For Employees:


  • Protect Your Rights: Knowing the rules ensures you’re treated fairly, getting proper rest, breaks, and overtime pay.
  • Balance Work & Life: Understanding working time helps you plan your personal life around your job, reducing stress.
  • Avoid Disputes: Clear knowledge prevents misunderstandings with your employer about hours, breaks, or leave.
  • Make Informed Choices: If you’re job hunting, understanding working time helps you choose the right opportunity.

For Employers


  • Stay Compliant: Avoid fines and legal trouble by following the law on working time and overtime.
  • Boost Productivity: Happy employees, with fair working hours and breaks, tend to be more productive.
  • Attract & Retain Talent: Offering good working conditions makes your company more appealing to potential hires.
  • Build Trust: Showing respect for employee rights creates a positive work environment and fosters loyalty.

Beyond the Basics

  • Special Cases: Some jobs have unique rules, so it’s important to know if yours is one of them.
  • Ramadan: Working time changes during this holy month, impacting everyone.
  • Summer Heat: Outdoor work has specific limitations to ensure worker safety.


Don’t Get Caught Out


Whether you’re an employee or employer, knowing the ins and outs of working time in the UAE is vital. It’s about more than just clocking in and out; it’s about creating a fair, productive, and healthy workplace for everyone.


What Are the Maximum Working hours in the UAE: 2024 Guide?


Standard Working hours

In the UAE, the typical workday is capped at 8 hours, accumulating to a 48-hour workweek. However, it’s important to remember that certain industries, like security or hospitality, may have different regulations, so always check your employment contract.

Ramadan Adjustments

During the holy month of Ramadan, working hours are thoughtfully reduced by 2 hours per day, acknowledging the spiritual significance of this time.

Overtime Provisions

While overtime is permitted, it’s usually capped at 2 hours per day and requires additional compensation. It’s essential to be aware of these limits to ensure fair treatment.

Rest and Recuperation

Employees are entitled to at least one full day off per week, allowing for essential rest and work-life balance.

Compliance is Key

Both bosses and representatives must follow to these regulations. Non-compliance can result in penalties, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific details of UAE labor law and your employment contract.



These working hours and working time regulations are designed to protect workers’ rights and promote a healthy work environment.

If you have any concerns about your working time or believe your rights are being infringed upon, don’t hesitate to seek advice from a qualified professional.

By understanding the legal framework governing working time in the UAE, you can ensure a fair and productive work experience for all parties involved.


UAE Working hours: 48 vs 35 – Public or Private, What’s the Difference?


Yes, there is a difference in working hours between the private and public sectors in the UAE.


Private Sector: Standard working hours are ordinarily 8 hours per day, totaling 48 hours per week.


Public Sector: Employees generally work 7 hours daily, resulting in a 35-hour workweek, and a half-day on Fridays.



  • While these are the general guidelines, specific working hours can vary depending on the industry and individual employment contracts.
  • It’s important to be aware of the working time regulations that apply to your specific sector and employment agreement.
  • Staying informed about these distinctions ensures both employers and employees can navigate the UAE’s labor landscape effectively.


Longer Working hours in the UAE: Understanding the Exceptions


The standard UAE workweek is 48 hours, but certain jobs or sectors may have longer hours. These exceptions are often in industries like security, hospitality, healthcare, construction, and retail during peak seasons. It’s vital to check your employment contract for specifics. 


Remember, exceeding the legal limit entitles you to overtime pay. Understanding the regulations ensures fair treatment and a healthy work-life balance. If in doubt, seek professional advice.


Beyond the 9-to-5: How Do Working hours Flex for Senior Employees?


Senior employees in Dubai often enjoy more flexible working hours compared to their junior counterparts. While the standard workday is typically 8 hours and the workweek is 48 hours, senior roles may have the leeway to adjust their start and end times within reason. This flexibility allows them to manage their responsibilities effectively and maintain a better work-life balance.


However, it’s important to note that occasional extended working hours might be necessary to meet project deadlines or address urgent matters. Some senior positions may also offer remote work options, providing further flexibility in managing working time.


It’s crucial to remember that specific working time arrangements can vary depending on the company culture and industry norms. Additionally, according to the UAE Labor Law, senior employees and those in high-ranking positions may have different working hour regulations, allowing for further customization of their working schedules.


In summary, senior employees in Dubai often enjoy greater flexibility in their working times, which can include:

  • Flexible start and end times
  • Occasional longer days when needed
  • Remote work possibilities
  • Variations depend on the company and industry


While enjoying this flexibility, senior employees should also be mindful of maintaining a healthy work-life balance and ensuring they are meeting their responsibilities effectively.


Beyond 40 Working hours: Understanding Overtime Pay & Regulations


Wondering when those extra work hours in Dubai turn into extra pay? Overtime rules can be complex, but understanding them is essential to ensuring fair compensation.


5 Key Principles of Overtime Pay in Dubai:


  1. Extra Hours, Extra Pay: In Dubai, overtime generally starts when you work beyond your standard 8-hour workday or 48-hour workweek. The typical overtime rate is 1.25 times your regular hourly rate.
  2. Limits Apply: To prevent overwork, the UAE Labor Law sets a maximum of 2 hours of overtime per day.  
  3. Consent is Key: Your employer needs your agreement for overtime, except in emergencies or urgent situations.
  4. Rest is Essential: After putting in overtime, you’re usually entitled to a rest period to recover.  
  5. Night Shift Premium: Overtime worked between 10 pm and 4 am earns a higher rate of 1.5 times your regular pay.


Navigating Overtime in Dubai: Know Your Rights


Overtime regulations can be tricky, but it’s crucial to understand your entitlements under the UAE Labor Law. By staying informed, you can ensure that you’re being fairly compensated for your hard work and contributing to a healthy work environment.


Overtime isn’t just about extra hours; it’s about knowing your rights and ensuring you’re properly compensated for your dedication and commitment.

Understanding UAE Working Hours Laws & Protections


Dubai’s labor laws aren’t just about the standard 8-hour workday and 48-hour workweek. They encompass a range of provisions designed to safeguard employee well-being and ensure fair treatment in the workplace. Let’s explore these key protections:


Shorter Workdays During Ramadan


During the holy month, everyone gets a 2-hour daily reduction in working hours, making time for spiritual observance and rest. Companies must follow to this run the show to maintain a strategic distance from penalties.

Rest & Recharge 

You’re entitled to at least one full day off per week, typically on Friday. Plus, you can’t work more than 5 hours straight without a break at least one hour for rest, meals, or prayer. If your job requires continuous work (like in a factory), the Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation (MOHRE) sets the break rules.

Special Protections

  • Young Workers: Those under 18 have special rules to keep them safe, including shorter working hours and restrictions on night work.
  • Hazardous Jobs: Certain industries have reduced working times due to potential health and safety risks.
  • Summer Heat: Outdoor work is limited during peak summer hours to protect workers from extreme heat.

Beyond the Clock

  • Travel Time: Your commute doesn’t count as part of your working hours unless specific arrangements are made.
  • Overtime:  Work beyond standard hours typically earns 1.25 times the regular pay, with a higher rate (1.5 times) for night shifts. However, there are daily overtime limits to prevent overwork.
  • Record Keeping: Employers must maintain accurate records of everyone’s working hours to ensure compliance and transparency.


The UAE labor law is designed to protect employee well-being and create a fair working environment.

By understanding these provisions, both employers and employees can ensure compliance and contribute to a productive and healthy workplace. 

Remember, these are just the highlights. The UAE Labor Law offers comprehensive protections, so it’s always recommended to familiarize yourself with the full details. 

The Summary


Don’t let confusion cloud your workday in 2024! Mastering UAE working hours is crucial for fair treatment, a balanced life, and making the most of your time. Stay informed and empowered to dive deeper into our guide on “7 Key Facts About UAE Working Hours You Must Know in 2024” to ensure your rights are respected and your workday is optimized. Take control of your work-life balance today!




What are the standard working hours in the UAE for 2024?

Typically, it’s an 8-hour workday and a 48-hour workweek.


What are the rules on overtime work?

Overtime is allowed but usually capped at 2 hours per day, with increased pay.


Are there any exceptions to standard working hours?

Yes, certain industries like security or hospitality may have different rules.


What are the rest break requirements during a workday?

Employees are entitled to a rest break of at least one hour after 5 consecutive hours of work.
